AT&T Fiber Family Smart Home

AT&T Fiber Family Smart Home It take a lot of love to make a family.
Our Reel

Our latest reel By no means the extent of it, but some of our favorite work
Halloween at Home Depot

Halloween at Home Depot The whole team flew down to Atlanta to direct, design and animate this FUN, spooky spot for Home Depot’s Social Media
Intimate Foods: Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of CA – Intimate Foods We are proud to have co-created with agency partner, Rauxa, this delightful, wellness forward 10 spot campaign for their client, Blue Shield of California helping spread healthy, empowering messages. Want to see more?
Converse Flagship Animation

Converse Flagship Store Animation When we direct in our studio, we have such fun! this series of animations for Converse’s In Store POS videos were no exception. We love it when a brand we love, loves us too.
Shameless Promo

Shameless Promo We love this show, and the challenge of creating paper dolls and locations from DVD footage was extra interesting …and we got to play with some twisted ideas
Mr. Robot with Rami Malek

Mr. Robot promo with Rami Malek LOVED this project! We designed and built this “in the system” set, and animated it with one of our favorite photographers, the amazing Jordan Hollender and Hollender X. sidenote? Turns out Rami is also an excellent dancer 🙂
Food is Medicine: Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of CA – Intimate Foods We are proud to have co-created with agency partner, Rauxa, this delightful, wellness forward 10 spot campaign for their client, Blue Shield of California helping spread healthy, empowering messages. Want to see more?
Pet Friendly: Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of CA -Pets extend your life We are proud to have co-created with agency partner, Rauxa, this delightful, wellness forward 10 spot campaign for their client, Blue Shield of California helping spread healthy, empowering messages. Want to see more?
Baking With Besties: Brownie Bite Message Hearts

January People: Bunny Makes a Resolution

Razor’s Crack team built a miniature working gym, and Sassafras Knitted the animals!
Smucker’s Pie Pops

Razor’s Food Style Team Had such fun with these pie pops! They were also Deliclious!
January People: Horse goes to the gym

Horse Has an accident, ala Isadora Duncan. Exercise is Dangerous!
Hasbro Gaming – Monopoly 80th Anniversary We created 5 decades worth of living rooms AND got to shoot stop motion for this spot- The Diamond Bros. Directing.

Amex / Sam’s Club Social Animations Razor Directed, Produced and Animated Directing and Producing Animation again with Digitas!, Thanks Guys!! Gifting from RaZor Productions
Don’t Fuck With Love By The Sad Little Stars

“Don’t Fuck With Love” is a one minute and thirty second stop-motion animated film set to the song of the same name by the group The Sad Little Stars. It won a bunch of awards including 2nd place at SXSW film festival, and toured the country with Spike and Mike’s Sick and Twisted Animation Festival […]
Adult Swim Promo “Machete Kills”

We were hired to build and stop motion animate this pop-up book to help promote Machete Kills on Adult Swim. More! More!
Liberty Mutual Presents Spooky Decorations

We built this amazing Paper House and Pumpkins, We LOVE paper and we ADORE stop motion!

Amex / Sam’s Club Social Animations Razor Directed, Produced and Animated Thanksgiving for American Express from RaZor Productions
Blue Shield of California: Sleep well for better health

We worked closely with our Agency partner Rauxa to craft this wellness-forward visual delight campaign with both accessibility and humanity in mind.
Pitney Bowes. Will it Save? Monkeys.

Razor Produced, Directed and Designed this series of Vines/Instavids for Digitas- Thanks for the fun project guys! Music custom-made at the fabulous These Outer Spaces Studio, engineered and mixed by the amazing Max Low.